Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6

Today we started off by reading a prose which was called "The Ponds" In Henry David Thoreau's Walden. It had a bunch of observations, meanings, and delivery.  After we read this we were headed to Eastwood Metro park. We were split into 2 different groups and the first one went Kayaking, and the other went hiking. I was the one to Kayaking first. It was super fun! I observed many things while I was there. I saw many beautiful trees, and it felt so magical. It was as if the river was trying to call me into a paradise. It was so green everywhere. Gosh it was so beautiful. I saw many different kinds of birds as well. It smelt like fish and nature. The water was so cold! My friends and I played a game called "Splashy Splash" We just splashed water on each other with the paddles. The sound was the sound of peace calling me. It was so silent if you were alone but being with your friends it was quite loud and fun. This place had a park. This park and I have a strong relationship because when I was little I would always come here with my uncle and he would teach me how to do the monkey bars, and going back today I was too tall for the monkey bars, and I really miss him. He moved to India a couple of years ago. After Kayaking we had lunch and this is when I went to the tiny park and went to the monkey bars. We ate lunch a bit isolated, far away from everybody.  It was really nice because it was really silent and we had a passage far away from everybody. After this we went on a hike along the Buckeye Trail! Which is so cool because we were on a trail which surrounds the whole state. We learned about a bunch of things that I didn't know about before.

                                                 This was a plant we learned about today(:

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