Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 1

Today we learned about a bunch of things. First we were introduced to the whole plan of the STEMmersion. We were given a syllabus of where all we were going throughout the 2 weeks. Afterwards we started talking about blogs and got the idea of what they are and how we are going to update it everyday. Later on that day we introduced ourselves with a small exercise. The activity was where we had traced our hand on a piece of paper and in each finger we were to write a certain detail about ourselves and then talk about it throughout the class and get everyone's name signed. After this activity we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us about what Nature Writing was and how it can be interpreted in many ways. We were given many tips on how to blog and how to observe nature as we go on various areas for field trips. After that we went to lunch and recess. Later we were given the rest of the time to blog. 

                                                   The activity we worked on 

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